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Hands On Tip of the Day: Lead Management - Prior, during and after the Show

​Capture as much information as possible, a straightforward way to do this is to rent a lead retrieval system which allows you to scan attendee’s badges while they are in your booth and follow-up with them after the show. A less technical way of tracking, is to collect business cards and write notes on them (what was discussed, wants, needs, etc.) Keeping everything organized during the show will streamline the post-event process.

Categorize your leads as they are generated. This will help you develop your “A” follow-ups to gain the best ROI. Also, implement a system to manage your leads, assign responsibility for each item on your list, and follow up! Follow-up promptly with prospects. Leads left unattended will quickly grow cold in today’s fast paced environment. There are many ways to prepare for the lead follow-up prior to the actual event which will make the process move quickly. One suggestion is to have your follow-up email drafted before the event, leaving you with just edits to customize per lead.

Success can be measured by the return on objectives set, and also by the Return On Investment. When you have returned from the show, review your objectives and goals set prior to attending. Review the number of leads you generated versus the amount of money you spent. By tracking your success, you can determine which trade shows are the most successful, thus helping to determine your show schedule for years to come.

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